


「伝統=tradition」、それは一見、頑ななまでに内に閉じこもり、頑固に旧態依然と変わらぬ価値を守り続けること、と捉えられがちです。 しかしながら、そもそも“tradition”とは、ラテン語で“traditio”、つまり「委ねる」、「伝える」という意味合いで用いられた、他に開かれていることを含意する言葉でした。レストラン毛利志満唯一の支店である長浜黒壁店は、先人から「委ねられた」近江牛とその食文化という揺るぎない「伝統」に絶えず立ち返りながら、同時にそれを広く世に「伝える」という使命を忘れることなく、日々邁進しております。
このような志のもと、1996年に江戸時代末期に建てられた古き商家を現代的に改装し、黒壁19號館としてスタートして以来、地元のお客様、観光にいらした方々の厚いご贔屓の甲斐あって、近江八幡店とは異なる長浜店オリジナルメニューを提供し続けております。京阪神と北陸を結び、多くの武将、旅人の行き来、文物の輸送に利用された、まさに「伝播すること」に打ってつけの北国街道沿いにある長浜店。 ぜひ一度お立ち寄りください。

First established in the early Meiji era, when feudal Japan started its modernization, Restaurant Morishima has its long history. And our motto is nothing but : to maintain and promote Morishima’s “tradition”.
Though “tradition” may sound like being locked-in and obstinately sticked to classic conventions, it is a word originally based on a latin noun “traditio”, which means “entrustment” or “transmission “, and which naturally implicates the notion of being opened to others.
The Kurokabe-Nagahama branch, the only branch of Restaurant Morishima, has constantly pushed forward its duty to “transmit” broadly to the world this unwavering “tradition”: the gastronomic culture over the Oumi-Beaf “entrusted” from our ancestors. With this determination, the Nagahama branch opened in 1996, remodeling an old store of the Edo era, as the 19th tenant of the Kurokabe(black wall) Square. Since then, thanks to warm favor of tourists and local customers, we have been able to continue serving our original plates, available only here at Nagahama branch.
Located on the old Hokkoku-Kaido(Hokkoku trunk road) linking the Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe area and the Hokuriku region, many daimyos, samurais and travelers have stopped by here at Nagahama, and so it is worth while to note that this city is historically a place of “transmission” for many regional cultures.
We are looking forward to serving you.
